Pictures in my heart

Our first day at the orphanage was a beautiful and emotionally draining day. We loved with abandon as we shed tears at the magnitude of the orphan crisis. We experienced the presences of Jesus and felt the touch of His hand. We watched as our team loved, cared for,  and spoke words of worth into each precious child. We held children who will likely never sit on their own or have a family to love them. We sang songs and tickled little tummys. This team….THEY ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST! Only God could have placed this group together-from a 14 year old to a 69 year old and every age and gender in between. We have not only ministered to the people of China, but to each other as well.

These men sitting with on my daughter are the REAL DEAL! She has wonderful examples of men in her life, but a young lady can never have to many speaking words of truth into her life. I have never seen such a knowledge of the Word of God, masculinity and tenderness all at one time! 

This sweet lady, Susan, is one of the best! She loves the children and cares for every detail of seeing them through to adoption. Would you please pray for each member of the staff at this orphanage? They work tirelessly many hours to care for the 132 children in their care.


The children we saw needed sensory stimulation so we filled small bottles with water and beads and bright colors and they loved it!


During our “rest time” we walked the nearby streets and visited with the school children. We reminded them how beautiful they were and as we encouraged them, they also encouraged us.

And now…we go again to the place that so fills our hearts.  Would you please pray that they would be more open to allowing us to take photos of the children in the orphanage? We were told that we were not allowed to take photos inside, but we know that the God who loves these children wants them in families and many times a photo of a precious face can speak volumes. We will always carry pictures in our heart, but we want you to see these beautiful faces as well! Thank you for your prayers!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen  you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

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1 Response to Pictures in my heart

  1. Angela LeRoy says:

    Sounds like a wonderful day! So thankful that you have allowed God to use you over and over again in China. It’s so great to see Linda and Tia there as well! (As an early childhood educator) I love the sensory bottles you are making for the kids. We take for granted small things like this that our children constantly have at their fingertips. Something so simple can have such an impact. Those little brains need to be stimulated and with so many children and so few workers they need toys like this to help.


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